Sunday House Inn & Suites | 501 E. Main Street Fredericksburg, TX 78624

29 Mar

Rheingold School

The Rheingold School #22 was begun in 1873, when the need for a school for the area children was realized. William Gold donated the two acres of land for the first schoolhouse, which was a log house measuring about 12 ft. by 14 ft. Later, a frame and stone structure was added and used as the teacherage. A new frame building, 40 ft. x 22 ft., was later built. It had a large wood stove in the center for heat.

The school building, teacherage, and later a pavilion, were all built with materials and labor donated by the families in the community. Up to eight grades were taught, and at one time, as many as 74 students were
taught by a single teacher. Even though the teachers felt constrained to use English for instructing in the school room, German was used for administering scoldings. The scoldings were done so effectively that some of the students, after more than sixty years, can still quote some of the statements. It is also noted that one of the teachers had a paddle with the words “Black Medicine” printed on it.

The “free” school period, which was usually six months or more in length, came during the early part of the term. The “pay” school would be added to finish the term. Very seldom would a pupil drop out at the end of the free school period. Most of the students rode horses to school, while others walked. In the wintertime, some of the children came to school with no shoes and slid on the ice barefoot.

The Rheingold School was consolidated with Fredericksburg in 1949. In 1950, the Rheingold Community Club was organized. Meetings are still held once a month, and several B-B-Q’s are held throughout the year. The Rheingold School is still active today as a community center and is also used for graduation, baptismal, and confirmation celebrations, family reunions, and bridal showers.


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