Sunday House Inn & Suites | 501 E. Main Street Fredericksburg, TX 78624

29 Mar

Holy Ghost Lutheran Church

On July 27, 1887, Pastor DeGeller began his ministry as pastor of the congregation. During this time, Mr. H. Ochs, Sr. began the recording of the church’s history. The first children to be baptized in the church were Helmuth and Bruno Kuhlmann. Heinrich Henke, Jr. And Louise Kammlah were the first to be married in the church and the first funeral was that of Mrs. Dorothea Koenneke.

The corner stone for the new church of this congregation was laid on June 6, 1888 under the ministry of Pastor Pfaeffle. The building, designed by Mr. James Wahrenberger of San Antonio, is of Romanic-Gothic type of architecture and cost $10,450. The following items were placed in the corner stone: a catechism, a hymnal, a list of the church council and the membership, the statutes of the church, the history of the church, a picture of the confirmation class of 1887, Pastor DeGeller’s reformed ecclesiastical church documents, “Friederichsburger Wochenblatt”, the Gillespie County News, United States currency and coins, the original title abstract for the property, a picture of Zwingli, a daily hand book and a list of the members of the choir.

The parsonage was built in 1890 at a cost of $812. The addition to the rear of the church and the porch on the parsonage were built in 1892 through the cooperative efforts of the congregation and the pastor.
On Palm Sunday, March 21, 1893, in the presence of a large gathering, the church was dedicated through the consecration of the candidates for confirmation. The inscription on the church bell reads: “Ring for Peace”. The first church council and congregational assembly were held on the first Sunday in April of 1893.

The following donations for equipping the sanctuary were made: Holy Communion service by widow L. Miles; pulpit decorations and lights by members of the church choir; windows and chairs by the pastor of the congregation. Mrs. Ochs, the teacher’s wife, embroidered the Bible verse on the altarpiece. All usable items from the old church were refurbished and installed in the new one. The congregation had already purchased a new organ in 1887.

On October 1, 1894, Pastor DeGeller resigned. From 1887 to 1900, a total of 406 children were baptized, 169 children confirmed, 71 couples married, and 78 persons buried.


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