Sunday House Inn & Suites | 501 E. Main Street Fredericksburg, TX 78624


Learn more about the history of Fredericksburg Texas

In April 1846, Baron Otfried Von Meuseback left New Braunfels leading a group of about 120 men, women and children headed for the present site of Fredericksburg, Texas. Transportation proved to be a problem, as the United States and Mexico were at war, and all the teamsters were employed by the government. Wagons were hard to come by, and some pioneers traveled in two-wheeled oxen carts, some on foot.

On May 8, 1846, the German pioneers reached their destination land; a small town called Fredericksburg was founded at a point 4 miles north of the Pedernales River, later called Baron Creek.

Each family received a two-acre tract of land and a town lot. The first buildings were of logs and hides, soon the settlers of Fredericksburg built sturdy permanent structures of native stone and timber. Realizing that many needs of the community would be brought by freight wagons, they planned their streets accordingly. Each street was made wide enough to allow the freight wagon and a team of oxen to make a “U” turn.

Determined to let the world know Fredericksburg was a friendly town, the early settlers named their streets to signify that fact.

While traveling west from the center of town on Main Street, the cross streets are Crockett, Orange, Milam, Edison, Bowie, Acorn, Cherry and Kay; the first letter from each street spells “COME BACK”. Traveling east from center of town, the cross streets are Adams, Llano, Lincoln, Washington, Elk, Lee, Columbus, Olive, Mesquite and Eagle. The message of course reads “ALL WELCOME”.

Important in the settlement of the town and county was the establishment of the many churches and schools, many of which still stand today.

Historic Churches

Historic Schools

In Gillespie County, there were 44 school districts and buildings 100 years ago. Some of these country schools are now 120 years old or older. In 1949, the Gilmer-Aiken Bill resulted in the consolidation of these schools with Fredericksburg ISD in the 1950’s and 1960’s. Today, there are three school districts and 12 country school buildings. Community clubs were formed in the 1950’s to maintain the properties, using their own funds. No public funds have ever been used. There are ten community clubs with more than 400 active members.

Sunday Houses

Sunday houses were small second dwellings maintained near a church as a weekend place of residence. They became popular in the late 1800s among farmers and ranchers who lived in areas too remote to permit commuting to services. The families owning such houses normally left their farms and ranches Saturday morning, journeyed to town, took care of shopping and business, attended an evening dance or party, and spent the night in the Sunday house. On Sunday they attended church in the morning and either returned home in the afternoon or attended Sunday school in the afternoon, and then spent a second night in town. Sunday houses were also used when a member of the family needed to stay in town to conduct business or receive medical attention. Some Sunday houses became the residences of retired ranchers when their land was turned over to their sons. Although in Texas Sunday houses were almost exclusively confined to Germans in the Hill Country, particularly Gillespie County, the phenomenon was not unique to Texas. Similar houses were used in the 1660s in Middlebury, Connecticut, and a counterpart to the Sunday house exists in the Pennsylvania Dutch country. Sunday houses were small, usually having only two rooms, and often made of frame rather than rock. Some of them had 1½ stories, with a gabled roof to form an attic, usually reached from an outside stairway, that served as the children’s sleeping quarters. The roof was pitched at a little less than forty-five degrees and covered with handmade cypress shingles. Some of the houses were embellished with millwork in the door and window casings and had ornamented stair rails, newels, and transoms. The ground floor usually had a single room with a lean-to kitchen behind and a slant-roofed porch in front. Occasionally a second room was added. The houses were furnished for light housekeeping with a fireplace to provide heat and a place to prepare meals. There was no running water.

Sunday houses originated for several reasons. Since there were few rural churches, a weekend town residence made it easier to attend services. And the social contact of a weekend in town provided compensation for the isolation of rural life. Such German settlements as Fredericksburg, New Braunfels, and Castroville were laid out as farm villages, and it was expected that farmers would build their houses in town and journey each day to outlying fields and pastures, in the European manner. To that end, farmers were granted town lots. Soon after initial colonization, however, Germans moved out to settle in isolated farmsteads on their land, like their Anglo-American counterparts. The Catholic and Lutheran churches, however, did not soon follow their parishioners into the countryside, but stayed instead in the county seats. Many devout Germans therefore erected Sunday houses, often on the town lots originally intended for their homes. Certain streets in Fredericksburg were lined with Sunday houses, and a surviving cluster is found on West San Antonio Street, near St. Mary’s Catholic Church. Others still stand on West Main and South Milam streets. Clusters of Sunday houses also developed around St. Paul Lutheran Church in Cave Creek and in the village of Harper. Although the custom began to die in the 1920s with the advent of improved roads and motor vehicles, it experienced a resurgence in the late 1970s. Surviving Sunday houses sell at premium prices as restoration and historical significance have become more important in the tourist business.


Elise Kowert, Old Homes and Buildings of Fredericksburg (Fredericksburg, Texas: Fredericksburg Publishing, 1977). Esther Mueller, “Sunday Houses of Fredericksburg,” Texas Monthly, April 1930.

Terry G. Jordan


The following, adapted from the Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition, is the preferred citation for this article.
Terry G. Jordan, “SUNDAY HOUSES,” Handbook of Texas Online (, accessed November 29, 2011. Published by the Texas State Historical Association.


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